Contact: (760) 470-8232

Juliana Zimmer Borgatti, violinist, began her musical career at a young age, playing in her family’s musical group, “The Young Zimmers,” at age 13.  Together the family traveled frequently throughout California, performing for various interest groups and associations, featuring music of all ages.  She was concert master of her county’s Youth Symphony at 14 years of age at which time she was also awarded musical scholarships.  When she was 15 years old, she played with the Tulare County Symphony and has played in community orchestras and symphonies since.

She obtained a master’s degree in speech and language pathology and worked with deaf children, as well as the adult neurological population, while continuing her musical endeavors, free-lancing as a violinist for small group ensembles, such as “The La Jolla Renaissance Singers,” chamber music ensembles for weddings and special events, and in orchestra pits for musical theatre.

Currently, she continues her activity in musical theatre, chamber music and as a featured violinist in a contemporary performance group, “Mary’s Manhattans.”

Juliana performs with the Poway Symphony Orchestra and Poway Symphonette which, in addition to providing classical music to the community, frequents European musical tours.